Welcome to City of Kettle River's Official Website

Kettle River is currently experiencing water issues due to the extremely cold overnight temperatures. You may experience lower water pressure and water quality. The water is SAFE to drink and use, but we ask that you keep your water use to a minimum. The issues are being addressed and the water pressure is being monitored.

** NOTE: Winter parking is in effect. No parking on streets or alleys in Kettle River between midnight and 8:00am. **


Kettle River City Hall hours:

8am to noon - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday


Kettle River Contact Information:

P.O. Box 145
3977 Main Street
Kettle River, MN.  55757 
Telephone:  218-273-4662, Fax: 218-273-6238

City Officials:

David Lucas, Mayor - KettleRiverMayor@ci.kettle-river.mn.us
Miya Kohmetscher, City Councilor - Mkohmetscherci.kettleriver@yahoo.com
Elizabeth Mascarenas, City Councilor - emascarenas2022@gmail.com
Marcia Sarvela, City Councilor - marcia.sarvela.kettleriver@gmail.com
Patricia Lund, City Councilor