Water and Sewer Department

Advanced Utility Solutions 24-hour phone number is 833-428-2073. Please call this number if there is an emergency with your water or sewer.

Contacts for Utilities Emergency issues:

  • Advanced Utility Solutions - 24 Hour Service Call - 1-833-428-2073
  • Eric Appelwick - 218-355-0750
  • Carol Ross - 218-580-9677
  • Mike Hubner - 320-630-2611

Advanced Utility Solutions does not provide water turn-on or shut-off services. Contact City Hall at (218) 273-4662 for these services.

City contacts for Utilities Routine Water and Sewer issues for Residents:

Doug Booker - 320-330-8634                               Kathy Lake 218-382-0304

Jon Lingle - 218-460-8645


Service Line Inventory

Notice: The City of Kettle River has completed and submitted our service line materials inventory to the Minnesota Department of Health. The service line inventory is publicly available, and you can check the materials for your service line by visiting the Lead Inventory Tracking Tool (LITT) at https://maps.umn.edu/LSL/ you may also contact us at cityclerk@ci.kettle-river.mn.us, 218-273-4662.To complete the service line inventory our system, we worked with Bollig Engineering reviewing old as-built plans, home inspections, and city staff knocking on doors. As of 9/26/2024 our inventory contains zero lead,three galvanized requiring replacement, 30 unknown material, and 73 non-lead service lines.